Monday, April 15, 2013

I'm not poor, I'm money-free

This isn't a deprivation, it's liberation.


Money's a bit stressful too. Have you noticed how much time-energy-emotion rich people devote to their money and the stuff they buy with it?

What would I do with a million dollars? Try to figure out how to get rid of it as quickly as possible, and in as un-evil a way as possible.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

There is no solid ground on which to stand and evaluate others (and that's ok)

"Whatever seems to you to be obvious and inevitable is only so within some institutional or conventional structure, and that means that you can never operate outside some such structure."
 – Stanley Fish
p. 370 of Is there a text in this class? The authority of interpretive communities. Harvard University Press, 1980.

"Relativist sociologists are not sawing the branch upon which they sit because they are not seated on it, and no one is or has ever been"
– Bruno Latour
Quoted in Jean-Guy A. Goulet's Ways of Knowing: Experience, Knowledge and Power Among the Dene Tha. (UBC Press, 1998), p. xliii