Friday, July 24, 2009

Pet Peeve

Look, I like buying albums. Yes, real honest to goodness physical albums. Made with plastic and paper and sometimes even vinyl. I like supporting musicians. I like having something I can hold in my hand and look at, that doesn't have the same standardized feel and aesthetic (i.e. the way iTunes makes all music look and feel the same way, and subjects it to the same organization system -- not that I don't sometimes appreciate that system)

But if you're going to sell me your album can't you give me something a little value-added for my hard-earned cash, something I couldn't get by just downloading the album for free? Yes, pretty pictures are nice, but what I'm really talking about above all else is lyrics. It's nice to able to understand what you're singing about – they're not always easily discernable – if nothing else so I can sing along!

Are you embarrased by them? Think no one's interested? Too cheap? Please, I want to follow along!

All this said, Bruce Peninsula is absolutely amazing, and they put on one of the most brilliant shows I've ever witnessed, and you really should check them out. Choral indie pop, where the choral component is inspired by rough and passionate folk field recordings, not church choirs. If that makes sense. Epic and danceable and sacred and dirty and just plain fun!

Yeesh, can you tell I love them?

(And they are far from the only band guilty of this offence).

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