Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Silly Dungeons and Dragons

"The terrifyingly inevitable, viscious and visceral onslaught of black midnight ebony shadow elves of darkest deathly doom!"

Alright, so D&D is a bit too easy a target for parody. And playing does involve personal creativity and in-person sociability. Much better than a lot of other things you could be doing with your time.

But the 'dark' melodramatic language can get a bit ridiculous. Of course it's not like I'm involved in anything that uses over-the-top 'dark' imagery, takes itself a little too seriously, and often comes off as ridiculous instead...


  1. Johann speaks the truth. D&D is totally awesome. Granted however, D&D parody is also totally awesome! Anyone seen The Gamers, or The Gamers:Dorkness Rising ? absolutely fantastic.

    And my superheros RPG system that you refuse to play is also ridiculously fun. Really I am going to force you to try it one of these days. You don't have a choice in the matter Tim.
