Friday, November 14, 2008

Why Punk and Drunk Just Don't Go Together

Went to a punk show last night. Cool to see a Canadian hardcore legend (that'd be DOA), almost as old as the Sex Pistols, contemporaries with Black Flag and Bad Brains, and still going strong. Johnny Shithead (the only remaining original member) managed to be really fun (mock guitar-hero pyrotechnics) and really serious (political) at the same time. Hmmm. Somehow, too much modern punk seems to have lost that wonderful combination.

Probably would have enjoyed it more if me and my friend weren't both a little sick. It also would've helped if there wouldn't have been beer spilled all over the moshpit area.

(God, I'm getting too old).

Hello, kids, please listen to Grandpa Tim's advice here: if you want to mosh, don't bring your beer bottle in with you. I know you like pretending to be all rebellious and stuff, but you're crossing the line from rebellious to just plain stupid here. It will spill, and besides the dangerous hazard this will create for everyone else, you'll be out some beer. (And that's the best case scenario -- you could lose the entire beer, and the floor could just end up littered with glass -- never fun to land on). Believe it or not, punk is also supposed to be about taking care of each other (that'd be why we instantly pick each other up when we fall).

One more reason all punk shows should just be all-age shows.


  1. Wow going back in time here. Got to totally agree on the all ages punk shows. I mean really most punk bands start in high school (some even first start playing together in middle school!)
    The last show I went wasn't all ages and it wouldn't surprise me if the last (punk) group had some members who weren't 19. Besides we want to get all those youngsters into the awesomeness of live music right?

  2. Yeah, exactly. Excluding people from enjoying music is lame. Especially since teens are often the ones that care the most, and get the most excited to see their heroes. Not like us jaded old folk ;)

    Plus, to be honest, having your music used to sell alcohol isn't cool -- which is basically why a bar brings in bands. And it's not because I have a grudge against alcohol -- just because using music to sell stuff is lame.
